Our strategic priorities
To achieve our vision and mission we have six strategic priorities that will guide our work.
1. Using our voice and influence
We will be a recognised, trusted and nationally prominent victims’ voice. We will influence required reform at a national and local level.
We will achieve this by:
- We will be a national advocate for victims by sharing their experiences in the media.
- We will campaign for change in order to improve victims’ experiences of the criminal justice system and support services at a national and local level.
- We will work in partnership to influence alongside other organisations.
- We will be clear about who we are and what we provide.
2. Enhancing our strengths
We will be ambitious leaders in our areas of strength in order to ensure that the highest number of victims can access the services that they need to move forward with their lives.
We will achieve this by:
- We will increase the proportion of victims referred to our services who access support from us, as well as the effectiveness of our assessment and triage of victims.
- We will strengthen the digital services and journey that we deliver for victims.
- We will continually enhance the quality of our multi-crime service.
- We will provide an entry for all victims to be able to access support in a way that suits them.
- We will continue to effectively respond to victims’ needs through developing responsive, high-quality specialist services.
3. Delivering quality and innovation
We will embed a culture of quality and innovation, delivering victims’ services of a high standard.
We will achieve this by:
- We will embrace and harness innovation across the organisation in order to improve services for all victims.
- We will continually improve, driving high quality, efficient and impactful services.
- We will continue to implement high safeguarding standards.
4. Utilising our insight
We will make the most of implementing learning from Victim Support’s data in order to provide the most efficient and effective services, and to articulate the best services and pathways for victims.
We will achieve this by:
- We will use appropriate management information which will enable us to develop effective and efficient services.
- We will use the information that we have to best understand and deliver against victims’ needs.
5. Supporting our people and culture
We are focussed and united on delivering for victims, recognised as an employer and volunteering opportunity of choice. We are an organisation where learning and improvement are at the heart of how people work and interact.
We will achieve this by:
- We will be a consistently victim-centered organisation with a clear understanding of victims’ experiences and needs.
- We will embed modern people practices that encourage and retain employees and volunteers.
- We will support Area Managers and other employees working with commissioners to support commissioning relationships and deliver the best services for victims.
- We will continue to be an inclusive organisation that values our staff and services users.
- We are committed to being an anti-racist organisation and driving out discrimination at all times.
6. Reaching victims
We will be a well-run, financially stable organisation that effectively responds to the need for victims’ services.
We will achieve this by:
- We will be a scalable organisation which is responsive to victims’ needs and the external commissioning environment, including being ready and open to working in partnership.
- We will be the service provider of choice for victim support services commissioned by Police and Crime Commissioners and other commissioners and funders within the public and commercial sectors.
- We will increase our non-statutory income in order to deliver vital, unfunded functions.